Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Q-Code and RST


QRAWhat is the name of your stn?
QRB How far are you from my stn?
QRG Will you tell me my freq?
QRH Does my frequency vary?
QRI How is the tone of my transm?
QRK Intelligibility of my frequency?
QRL Are you busy?
QRM Interference?
QRN Any trouble with static?
QRO Shall I increase transm. pwr?
QRP Shall I decrease transm. pwr?
QRQ Shall I send faster?
QRR Ready for automatic operation?
QRS Shall I send slower?
QRT Shall I stop sending?
QRU Have you anything for me?
QRV Are you ready?
QRX When will you call again.?
QRZ Who is calling me?
QSD Is my keying defective?
QSN Did you hear me or (c/s)?
QSO Can you communicate with (c/s)?
QSP Will you relay to (c/s)?
QSR Rpt call on calling frq?
QSS What working freq. will you use?
QSU Shall I send or reply oa this freq?
QSV Shall I send V's on this freq?
QSW Will you send on this freq?
QSX Will you listen to (c/s) on...freq?
QSY Shall I change to...frequency?
QSZ Shall I repeat words or groups?
QTH What is your lat. & long?
QTR What is the correct time?
QTS Send call sign for tuning?
QTV Shall I guard frequency...?
QTX Will you keep your stn open?
QUA Have you news of (c/s)?
QUM May I resume normal working?
QRY What number is my turn?
QSB Are my signals fading?
QSL Can you acknowledge receipt?

Informal Use

QRM Interference from other stns
QRO High power
QRT Close down station
QSB Fading
QSO Radio Contact
QTH Location (eg my QTH Inanam)
QRN Electrical or atmospheric interference
QRP Low power
QRX Stand by
QSL Card to confirm contact
QSY Change frequency

RST Code


R1 Unreadable.
R2 Barely readable, occasional words distinguishable.
R3 Readable with considerable difficulty.
R4 Readable with practically no difficulty.
R5 Perfectly readable.

Signal strength

S1 Faint, signals barely readable
S2 Very weak signals
S3 Weak signals
S4 Fair signals
S5 Fairly good signals
S6 Good signals
S7 Moderately strong signals
S8 Strong signals
S9 Extremely strong signals


Tl Extremely rough hissing note
T2 Very rough ac note, not musical
T3 Rough, low-pitched ac note, mod. music
T4 Rather rough ac note, mod. musical
T5 Musically modulated note
T6 Modulated note, slight trace of whistle
T7 Near dc note, smooth ripple
T8 Good dc note, just a trace of ripple
T9 Purest dc note


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